
Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Time to hit the gym.

Okay guys, I'm in a hurry so I'll keep things brief. I've been looking for a motive to make me go back to the gym for some time now. Well, I finally found it. Some of my friends have already applied to the local sporting center, so I said 'why not'. Glad to say that I'll be joining them in a few hours.

Going now. Maybe I can get some rest if I can rush my other stuff before going...



  1. I've started to swim in order to get healthy, swimming about 60 laps a day, I prefer it to the gym but I'll mix some every other day weights in there once I've built up my core.

  2. I really need to start working out. Not because I'm in a bad shape but rather because I want to be in great shape when I try to join the Swedish naval forces :D

  3. My friends said the same thing to me, only they're going to a gym 1 hour by public transport away from me, I gave it a miss. Instead I cycle everywhere to keep fit and do simple things like pushups and chin-ups, no need for a gym.

  4. What kind of program do you follow?

  5. i jog every morning and do some light exercises. keeps me fit. :D

  6. I hope your motiavtion keeps at the current level, so you won't give up in a few weeks.

  7. A little bit of workout is always nice! Way to go!

  8. That door bar looks great. And good luck with your exercise! You'll start feeling and looking great soon.

  9. You just got to keep your motivation, good luck!

  10. If that's what you do, it looks intensive... Good luck :)

  11. every exercise on that pic I do aswell : ) +followed no pain no gain good luck

  12. I do about 25 push ups and sit ups every day (:

  13. instead of going to the gym, i have one of those things in the picture. seems to work pretty good, i just have to keep up the motivation

  14. Your work on this blog is great! keep it up!

  15. motivation is hard, really have to dig within yourself and not let it rely on an external factor

  16. I went to the gym for a couple of weeks in a row recently with a friend. But that fell through when I started going on friday night occasionally and he cancelled on me a few times. I have started doing a quick run every night just to try and build up my stamina a little bit.

  17. Work it! No pain no gain... etc.

  18. I really need to start working out, would be nice to actually be in shape for once...

  19. i need to go to the gym.. i have been kinda working out a little.. nothing spectacular but i just try to keep active a little :].. thanks for sharing yours :]

  20. I want to get fit too! But also have not enough time to do it.. :(

  21. Keep with it and you'll notice some changes in a couple weeks. Make sure you mix in cardio and core muscular work.

  22. I am too lazy to do this :/ At least for now :P

  23. good luck getting fit! i can't find the motivation... :/

  24. Watch a video about death and people dying from diseases and heart attacks, will make you want to keep fit and healthy.

  25. Wow, everyone, thanks for the support. I'll make this one count.

  26. We, the followers of your blog, will help motivate you!

  27. its always nice to have friends to motivate you

  28. Good thing you got back working out, its good for you! I usually just take my sneakers on, go out in the woods outside my house and start to run around climbing trees, jumping rocks whatever. Sounds pretty wierd but i promise you its the best and funniest exersise I've ever done :)

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Cool! Be careful of long contracts, unfortunately many gym memberships end up going mostly unused. Ask if you can check the place out first, make sure it's a good fit.

  31. Yes, the big thing I have problems with is motivation for ANYTHING. If I had it, I'd probably be ripped right now.

  32. I'd love to join a gym, if only one were closer to my house D:

  33. Its great that you are going to start going to the gym!

  34. your gonna get buff!!!

    following and supporting!

  35. haha just don't be like me, man. I started going every weekday for 2 months, I stopped for a week (due to exams period) I haven't been there for 3 months... Lacking on motivation...

  36. Working out is awesome!
    Recently tho, been having trouble finding the motivation to do it :(

  37. SS = best routine. too bad I broke a finger...

  38. Friends are the perfect motivational tool when dealing with things like the gym.
